The Basic Situation and Significance of the Reform of the Supervision System in China
Dr. Chen Guoping, Deputy Director, CASS Law Institute
Ladies and Gentlemen:
It’s my great pleasure to talk about The Basic Situation and Significance of the Reform of the Supervision System in China. Since Xi Jinping was first elected the Secretary General of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China in November 2012, China has adopted many new anti-corruption measures.one of them is the reform of the state supervision system ,witch has the widest and most profound impact. Today, I would like to give you an introduction to and express my own opinions on the topic.
The first question is about The Process of Establishment of the New State Supervision System in China
The Communist Party of China and the Central People’s Government have always attached high importance to the role played by supervision and established a complete set of supervision system very early on. Before the reform, the main organs responsible for supervision included commissions for discipline inspection under Party committees at different levels and their dispatched organs, the administrative supervision departments of people's governments at different levels, the National Bureau of Corruption Prevention, and the anti-corruption departments under people’s procuratorates at different levels.
For a long period of time, these supervisory organs had played an important role in preventing and punishing corruption. Meanwhile, they had also faced many problems, such as lack of concentration of anti-corruption forces, unreasonable allocation of power, and high operational cost, so the state had been considering the reform of the existing supervisory system for some years.
In March 2018, the Thirteenth National People’s Congress deliberated on and adopted the Amendments to the Constitution of the People's Republic of China (2018) and the Supervision Law of the People's Republic of China. And then, the National Supervisory Commission was officially established and newly appointed members of the commission took office by taking a public oath to the Constitution. Afterwards, supervisory commissions have been established throughout the country from the provincial level down to the county level, thus forming a national supervisory system consisting of supervisory commissions at the national, provincial, municipal and county levels.
The second questiong is about The Differences Between the New and the Old Supervisory Systems
The reform of the state supervision system is not just a merger, increase or reduction of the existing supervisory organs, nor a simple change of it’s functions , but the redesign and restructure of the existing supervisory systems and institutions. As a result, the new system is very different from the old one both in the overall appearance and in the operational mechanism. I’m going to tell you the details:
The first one. The status of supervisory organs among state organs has changed. In the past, state organs at the national level consisted of the National People’s Congress, the State Council, the Supreme People’s Court, and the Supreme People’s Procuratorate. Among them, the National People’s Congress was the highest organ of state power and, under the National People’s Congress, the three others were parallel organs, all of them were elected by and responsible to the National People’s Congress.Now, the new state structure consisting of four parallel organs, namely “the state council, the supreme court ,the supreme procuratorate and the supervisory commission”. the status of supervisory organs at different local levels has also changed.
The second one. The institutional setup of and the leadership relations of supervisory organs have changed. In the past, there were several different organs performing supervisory functions, with each of them having its own leadership relations. These leadership relations were complicated. Now, the National supervisory commission is the highest supervisory organ, and the low level supervisory commissions are under the leadership of the supervisory commissions at high levels only, the leadership relation has been simplified.
The third one. The scope of supervision has changed. Before the reform, different supervisory organs targeted different groups of people. For example, the Ministry of Supervision mainly covered state administrative organs and their staff members, but did not cover the State Council and its leaders.the scope of supervision was too narrow . After the reform, the Supervision Law provides for six categories of targets of supervision, covering all public officials.
The fourth one. The responsibilities and competences of supervisory organs have changed. Before the reform, different supervisory organs had different responsibilities and competences. After the reform, acts of violation of Party disciplines, administrative laws and regulations and duty-related crime committed by public officials are all investigated and dealt with by supervisory commissions. Of course, if a case involves a duty-related crime, it should later be transferred to a procuratorial organ for the initiation of public prosecutiont.
The fifth one. The supervisory measures have changed. Before the reform, different supervisory organs took different supervisory measures in accordance with relevant legal provisions and, apart from anti-corruption departments , no other supervisory organ could take any measure that restricts personal freedom. Under the Supervision Law, now a supervisory commission may take various investigation measures, including the detention of a criminal suspect. Meanwhile, the law also provides for strict conditions, procedures and time limit for the use of such measures, so as to prevent them from being abused.
The third qustion is about The Significance of Establishing the New State Supervision System
The reform of the state supervision system, which aims at giving full play to the functions of supervisory organs and establishing a supervisory system suited to the actual conditions in China, involves major changes of the political system, the political power and political relations in the country.
Firstly, it is conducive to perfecting the state governance system. After the establishment of the new state supervisory system, supervisory organs become independent of administrative and judicial organs. The different kinds of state organs perform their own functions independently of each other, while at the same time checking and balancing each other. This new structure is more in line with the standard of a good state governance system.
Sekondly, It is conducive to giving full play to the function of supervisory organs. The new system has improved the status of supervisory organs and enhanced their authority. Meanwhile, it has also solved many problems resulting from the establishment of several different types of supervisory organs, thus becoming a more powerful and efficient supervisory system.
Thirdly, It is conducive to ensuring the performance of duties by supervisory organs in accordance with law. The Supervision Law provides that the supervision work must strictly comply with the Constitution and laws, equally apply laws to all parties, and guarantee the parties' lawful rights and interests. Especially the measures for the “detention” of suspects of duty-related crimes can be taken only when the necessary conditions are met . Finally, the rule on the exclusion of illegally-obtained evidences and the protection system of supervisory targets’ rights and interests must be introduced, so as to effectively prevent the abuse of supervisory power and truly bring its operation under the rule of law.
中国社科院法学研究所 陈国平