I need thank all of you to participate in the CASS Forum and International Symposium on Rule of Law and express my honest greeting to you on behalf of Law Institute of Chinese Academy of Social Sciences. Rule of Law represents common value of human being in the field of institutional construction. No matter what kinds of norms hint the content and meaning of rule of law in different legal culture, for example, rechtstaat , L'état de droit ,верховенство права ,Estado de derecho and 立憲主义, all of us believe that rule of law can’t be defeated by autocracy. We should make efforts to build the perfect legal system with special characteristic , we have a long way in accomplishing complete institutions. We need change experiences in governing the state and the society, this is a main target for us on the basis of rule of law forum.
Dear participants, distinguished guests, we have a common and similar dream , that of rule of law .We are striving to pursue the core value encompassed by rule of law. Respecting the governing principle of rule of law will bring a more bright future.
Finally, I hope we can establish an international network of rule of law forum through our constant communication and efforts in the coming future. China’s dream , firstly can be seen as the dream of rule of law in some degree. We are sure we could welcome the spring of rule of law as long as we won’t stop our step.
Thanks a lot. 谢谢 .
中国社会科学院法学研究所副所长 莫纪宏研究员