1.Human Rights Quarterly
2.Wirtschaft und Wettbewerb
3.World Trade Review
4.Journal of World Trade
5.World Trade & Arbitration Materials
6.Recht der Internationalen Wirtschaft (RIW)
7.Harvard Law Review
8.Yale Law Journal
9.Business Lawyer
10.Dispute Resolution Journal
11.California Law Review
12.Columbia Law Review
13.New York University Law Review
14.Harvard International Law Journal
15.Columbia Journal of Transnational Law
16.Administrative Law Review
17.Columbia Journal of Law & the Arts
18.University of Louisville Law Review
19.International and Comparative Law Quarterly
20.Law Quarterly Review, The
21.Cambridge Law Journal
22.Public Law
23.Journal of Business Law
24.Common Law World Review
25.Oxford Journal of Legal Studies
26.European Competition Law Review
27.Journal of International Economic Law
28.American Journal of Comparative Law
29.American Journal of International Law. (Print and Online)
30.International Legal Materials. (Print and Online)
34.I P Rax - Praxis des Internationalen Privat- und Verfahrensrechts
35.Archiv fuer die civilistische Praxis
36.Staat, Der
37.Archiv des oeffentlichen Rechts
38.Hague Journal on the Rule of Law, The. (Print and Online)
39.Netherlands International Law Review, with Netherlands Yearbook of International Law
40.ZUM; Zeitschrift fuer Urheber- und Medienrecht
41.NZKart; Neue Zeitschrift fuer Kartellrecht
42.Journal du Droit International
43.McGill Law Journal/Revue de Droit de McGill
44.Государство и право
47.月旦法學/Taiwan Law Review, The
48.法學叢刊/China Law Journal
49.Journal of Criminal Law and Criminology
50.American Journal of Criminal Law
51.Ocean Development and International Law
52.IIC; International Review of Intellectual Property and Competition Law. (Text in English)
53.Oeffentliche Verwaltung, Die (DOEV)
54.Environmental Law
55.Communications Law
56.Journal of Space Law
57.Актуальные проблемы российского права
58.Российское правосудие
59.Вестник РУДН: серия "Юридические науки"
60.Евразийский юридический журнал
61.Northwestern University Law Review
62.European Business Organization Law Review
63.Zeitschrift für die gesamte Strafrechtswissenschaft
64.Goltdammer's Archiv für Strafrecht
66.Журнал российского права
67.Российсκая юстиция
69.Revue Critique de Droit International Prive