孙家红 著
孙家红,北京大学历史学硕士、法学博士、经济学博士后,法国里昂高等学术院(Collegium de Lyon)高级访问学者,中国社会科学院法学研究所副研究员。长期从事中国法律历史研究,出版专著《清代的死刑监候》(社会科学文献出版社,2007),《通往经世济民之路——北京大学经济学科发展史》(北京大学出版社,2012),《关于“子孙违犯教令”的历史考察——一个微观法史学的尝试》(社会科学文献出版社,2013),荣获第一届中国法律文化研究优秀成果奖(2008)、第五届钱端升法学研究成果奖(2014),第七届胡绳青年学术奖(2016)。在国内外学术期刊发表专业论文若干篇,整理出版法律历史文献若干部。
——Pierre-tienne Will (魏丕信)
Preface One Pierre-tienne Will (魏丕信)
序二 黄源盛
序三 洞烛幽微见真知 王志强
第一章 北京、东京、上海三地馆藏薛允升《读例存疑》稿本发现与研究
绪论 薛允升及其著述
一 中国第一历史档案馆藏《读例存疑》稿本二册
二 日本东洋文化研究所藏《读例存疑》稿本八册
三 上海图书馆藏《读例存疑》稿本六册
结论 从薛允升《读例存疑》看晚清刑部之律学创作
第二章 薛允升《定例汇编》之重见——兼论田藏《唐明清三律汇编》之文献属性
第三章 沈家本《薛大司寇遗稿序》之生成——兼论晚清刑部官员之律学研习
第四章 从《读例存疑》看清代律例条文的继承和演变
第五章 薛允升遗著《秋审略例》的散佚与重现
一 历史资料
二 今人著述
魏丕信(Pierre-Étienne Will)教授序
至于方法论方面,我们藉由本书可知,薛允升在刑部工作数十年,点滴积累和记录了他的考证结果。据说——家红的研究和系统化比较也确认了此点,薛允升最终积累了卷帙浩繁的著述原稿百余巨册(又说百数十册),像是某种数据库(a kind of database),因为没有完整保存下来,我们无法确知其样式和内容。可以想见,正如薛允升的陕西同乡李岳瑞回忆文章中所言,与从中辑出的《唐明律合编》、《读例存疑》比较类似,该数据库以《大清律例》的律例格局为底层结构,附录了薛允升深入研究中所能发现的历史理论文献、对比文本、注按之语,等等。与此同时,它也可能按照主题——或更好地按照历史时期进行分类,因为家红曾经提及“唐律部分”出现在遗稿中的可能性。我们知道,薛允升的关注点在于研究全部时代的法律衍变,进而评估他们的当前状况,并提出未来修律建议。无论如何,这种鸿篇巨制显然不能以当时的形式出版,所以薛决定精简删削,尤其重新整合或部分整合为几部专门主题的著作。正如我们所知,前述四部著作在1900年底之前足够完整,并已考虑出版。
法兰西学院, 巴黎
Pierre-Étienne Will
“Loss and Reappearance” (散佚與重現): in his new book bearing that title Sun Jiahong tells us about the unexpected recovery of several manuscripts originally compiled by the hero of his story, the great late-Qing jurist XueYunsheng薛允升, and displaying various degrees of editing. More crucially, Mr. Sun shows us all the interesting and important information that can be extracted from those scattered and at first sight rather dry-looking bits of text (they are mostly incomplete fragments, and some are in a poor condition)—at least when one possesses the deep familiarity with the field and with the relevant sources that he has developed over years of research.
As reported by various sources, by the time Xue left Beijing in 1900 during the Eight-Nations army occupation of the capital, following the Boxer troubles, and returned to his native Xi’an, where the Qing court had found refuge, he reportedly had more or less completed, or at least worked on, several works which he apparently intended for eventual publication: Tang Ming lühebian唐明律合編, Dulicunyi讀例存疑, Hanlüjicun漢律輯存, Hanlüjueshi bi 漢律決事比, Dinglihuibian定例彙編,and Fuzhibeikao服制備考. According to Shen Jiaben, already on the eve of the 1900 troubles four of these—Han lüjicun, Tang Ming lüheke合刻(hebian), Dulicunyi, and Fuzhibeikao—were considered as “finished” (成書) by Xue, and funds had been assembled by his colleagues at the Ministry of Justice (the Xingbu刑部) to put them to print, but the project was stopped by the events.
When Shen Jiaben rejoined XueYunsheng in Xi’an after he was let go by the Western military officers who had arrested him in Baoding, he asked Xue about his manuscripts, and Xue told him that of the above-mentioned four works, only Hanlüjicunhad been left in Beijing, the three others were safely with him. It seems that the manuscript of Hanlüjicunhad been entrusted by XueYunsheng to a colleague who refused to give it back after Xue’s death; the text was retrieved only much later and it is now held by the Fu Sinian library in Taiwan (there is another manuscript copy in the library of Peking University). Of the three other works, which XueYunsheng had handed over to Shen Jiaben in Xi’an before they departed for Beijing with the court, only Dulicunyi could be published shortly after his death in Kaifeng in late 1901, on the way back to Beijing: it was edited by a team of Ministry of Justice officials headed by Shen Jiaben, then presented to the throne, and finally printed in 1906. As for the manuscripts of the two remaining works, they were taken away by a certain Fang Lianzhen方連軫, a former Ministry of Justice official who had been close to XueYunsheng and was now an official in Anhui, where he planned to edit and print them—but he was never able to do it. In 1922 Tang Ming lühebiancould be borrowed from its then owner and published by Xu Shichang徐世昌. Finally, after it had passed through many hands an incomplete manuscript copy of Fuzhibeikao ended up in the Shanghai library; it has never been printed.
Such is more or less the story that Sun Jiahong tells us in the greatest possible detail and basing himself on a large array of sources; but as we shall see there is much more in his book. In effect, today only two books by XueYunsheng are widely available to scholars in convenient modern editions: Dulicunyiand Tang Ming lühebian. These are major works, massive and learned compilations which remain important sources for the history of Chinese law and which all of us are constantly referring to. In a section of the present book Sun Jiahong has endeavored to painstakingly extract from the Dulicunyi received text every possible bit of information on the historical development of Qing law, and to present the results in a clear, statistical form, while providing indications on its connection with social change (this last aspect would indeed deserve to be developed). But he discusses many other writings by XueYunsheng as well, and in particular he allows us to form an idea of the methodology adopted by Xue and the various ways he produced different sorts of texts.
There seems to be two main categories among these. The first category consists of a set of works that XueYunsheng edited with the view of ultimately publishing them—these are the various titles mentioned above. His aim in these works, apparently, was to produce a critical and historically-informed inventory of all the legal provisions—both statutes and substatutes—that went into the Qing penal code as it stood by his time, that is, in the Tongzhi and Guangxu periods. (The last systematic revision of Da Qing lüli was carried out in 1870, and according to Xue, who had participated in it, it was not a very good job.) This was not mere scholarly erudition, however. XueYunsheng was quite critical of many aspects of the Qing code—and openly so: Sun Jiahong debunks the myth that out of political caution Xue would criticize the Qing Code only indirectly through his considerations on the Ming Code, of which in fact the Qing Code was far from being a simple reduplication, as it is often said. (In his section on the evolution of Qing law as seen through Dulicunyi,Sun Jiahong shows how different from Ming statutory law the 1646 Qing Code and its successors were.) XueYunsheng’s goal was to locate inconsistencies in the Qing Code and trace their historical origins, find about useless or obsolete articles, discuss the appropriateness of punishments in certain articles—here comparison with Tang law was important—and so on. All of this was done with the aim of improving the Qing dynastic code when it would be ultimately revised, of making it into a more coherent, more objective, and more just body of law. XueYunsheng did not live long enough to witness the effort launched by the Qing court in the early years of the twentieth century to not just improve the Penal Code, but drastically reform and modernize it so as to respond to foreign pressure and make Chinese law more compatible with international standards, without however sacrificing its “Chineseness”—an effort in which, as we know, Shen Jiaben沈家本 was the leading actor. Yet it is known that all the thinking that Xue had put in his commentaries (his anyu按語) to the statutes and substatutes in Dulicunyi considerably influenced the work of the “New Policies” (xinzheng新政) reformers of Chinese law.
As far as methodology is concerned, we learn in the present book that during the several decades he spent at the Ministry of Justice XueYunsheng proceeded by carefully accumulating and writing down the results of his research. The outcome, it was said (and Sun Jiahong’s research and systematic comparisons confirm this), was a giant but somewhat unwieldy manuscript comprising more than a hundred large fascicles (some say a hundred and several tens), a kind of database whose exact form and content we cannot know, since it has not been preserved: I would imagine—and this is suggested in an essay on XueYunsheng by his fellow Shaanxi man Li Yuerui李岳瑞—that, similar to Tang Ming lühebianandDulicunyi (the contents of which were extracted from it), the underlying structure of the database was the succession of statutes and substatutes in Da Qing lüli大清律例, to which Xue would attach all the historical and theoretical data, parallel texts, commentaries, etc., he could find as he advanced in his research. But it may also have been arranged by topics, or better, by periods—at one point Sun Jiahong suggests the possibility of a “section on the Tang Code” (Tanglübufen唐律部分) within the manuscript: we know that Xue’s concern was to study the evolution of law over the entirety of historical times in order to evaluate its present condition and make suggestions for its future. In any event, this mega-compilation was clearly not publishable in its current form, and for this reason Xue decided to prune down its contents, edit them, and, especially, reorganize them (or parts of them) into discrete treatises on particular topics, among them the four works mentioned above, which by 1900, as we saw, were in a state of sufficient completion to be considered for printing.
This was no solitary work. For example, Shen Jiaben mentions at one point that he occasionally participated in the research and editing for Xue’s original database, and obviously he was not the only one. More generally, Sun Jiahong cites a number of sources showing that a lot of collective work was going on at the Ministry under the guidance and supervision of XueYunsheng: everything indicates that Xue’s formidable erudition, intellectual authority, and hard-working habits conferred enormous prestige and influence on him and attracted the collaboration of junior colleagues who were eager to learn from him and participate in his great endeavor as research assistants, as editors, or even as mere copyists. Such collaboration is made especially apparent in the fragmentary manuscripts of Dulicunyi that Sun Jiahong has been lucky to discover in Beijing, Shanghai and Tokyo, which form an important part of the new evidence he adduces. The first section of his book is devoted to an exacting description and analysis of these manuscripts, which cover about one fifth of the complete Dulicunyitext. What they are showing us is work in progress: XueYunsheng would entrust younger colleagues with copying sections of his work, and then insert his own edits, cross out or modify sentences, add new remarks, use the scissors-and-paste method to rewrite segments of the text, redirect certain materials to other works he was planning, and insert instructions for future printing. These corrections of his own text by XueYunsheng appear to be quite substantial. They show that his ideas on certain points of law were liable to change during the long process of preparing Dulicunyi—and, it would seem, to change in the direction of a more critical approach to the text of the Qing Code. At the same time, his collaborators, some of whom are known by name, would also insert their own edits, paste slips of paper (簽條) with new opinions and new text, and intervene in various ways. Such was the case in particular with the posthumous editing and preparation for publication of Dulicunyi, which was a collective endeavor by Xue’s former colleagues and disciples, as attested by the score of collaborators whose names are listed in the memorial presenting the work to the throne. The new materials found by Sun Jiahong also demonstrate that during this last stretch of editing Dulicunyithe influence and intervention of Shen Jiaben, who was in charge of the project, was paramount—indeed, in one of his prefaces Shen does not hesitate to refer to himself as a “compiler” (bianzuan編纂). As a matter of fact, it can be seen at places that his choices were different from those of XueYunsheng, that he added commentaries of his own, and that he left some questions open for further discussion. In general, it seems clear that Shen Jiaben’s contribution to the received text of Dulicunyias it was eventually published was considerable.
A whole section of Sun Jiahong’s book is devoted to another treatise which was also extracted from the large database assembled by XueYunsheng during his decades at the Ministry of Justice, entitled Dinglihuibian. Contrary to Dulicunyi and the other works that Xue had more or less completed by the end of his life, the exact circumstances of this one are somewhat elusive. The text is mentioned in the fanli凡例 of Dulicunyi, according to which it was intended to be a sort of appendix to the main work, consisting of a compilation of the original memorials (yuanzou原奏) and edicts (yuzhi諭旨) discussing the creation or modification of substatutes (li 例). It can be seen in the Dulicunyimanuscripts analyzed by Sun Jiahong that at least some of these materials featured in the Dulicunyioriginal draft, but were then excised and redirected to Dinglihuibian, still in the making. It is in fact unclear whether XueYunsheng was ever able to complete Dinglihuibian. The reason why he was eager to compile these memorials was not only to offer the reader the full circumstances of the creation or modification of substatutes (i.e., not just the dates, as in Dulicunyi), but also, more simply, to preserve them from being scattered and lost: in his time, he said, only those posterior to 1750 were kept at the Ministry, and much research was necessary to retrieve the contents of about half of the earlier ones.
Today we do have access to at least a part of this lost text. A manuscript which apparently bore the abbreviated title Huibian was acquired in 1998 by my late friend Tian Tao田濤, who published it in 2002 under the title Tang Ming Qing sanlühuibian唐明清三律彙編. (The present whereabouts of the original manuscript are not known and Sun Jiahong was not able to examine it.) The problem discussed here is that in their introduction Tian Tao and his co-author Ma Zhibing馬志冰 misinterpreted the text as a comparison of the codes of the Tang, Ming, and Qing dynasties, seen as a sort of continuation to Tang Ming lühebian—hence the title they decided to give to the published edition. But as Sun Jiahong demonstrates, its nature is completely different: about three quarters of the so-called Tang Ming Qing sanlühuibian consist of memorials and edicts related to the creation or modification of substatutes—in other words, Dinglihuibianmaterials, some of which can be found on slips pasted in the Dulicunyimanuscripts in Beijing and Tokyo, but were later excised. Sun Jiahong therefore concludes that Dinglihuibianmight be a more appropriate title for the manuscript rescued and published by Tian Tao.
The second category of works by XueYunsheng (some of them heavily edited by others) is much more elusive. They seem to consist of texts of a more technical nature, regarding either the writing of documents—particularly Autumn Assizes documents—or Ministry regulations and other institutional matters, which Xue produced within the Ministry of Justice. While some may have been reference materials he kept for his own work, others were drafted for the sake of his colleagues, who would then use them as “revered models” (guinie圭臬) in their daily activities. Xue did not regard these writings as important works deserving publication, and he allowed them to circulate in the form of copies, the accuracy of which he did not attempt to control. Such apparently was the case of the texts that were to be compiled by Shen Jiaben as Xue’s “posthumous manuscripts” under the title Xue da sikouyigao薛大司寇遺稿, a work for which Shen wrote a preface but which has not been preserved—in fact it is not even sure that the manuscript was ever completed, and Sun Jiahong concludes that Shen eventually dropped the idea of publishing it.
In reality, we do not know the exact list of these practical guides and anthologies of materials that XueYunsheng did not care to edit and publish and that circulated among his colleagues in the form of more or less faithful copies. Some have resurfaced: besides Qiushenfenleipici秋審分類批辭,a glossary of terms and phrases related to the Autumn Assizes, and Qiushenlüeli秋審略例,a textbook on writing Autumn Assizes “case abstracts” (lüejie略節) to which the last section of the present book is devoted, Sun Jiahong mentions several pieces, including some memorials, that he has been able to retrieve in various places and in various conditions. Indeed, some of these pieces may have been considered by Shen Jiaben for inclusion in the collection of XueYunsheng’s posthumous manuscripts that he planned.
These “posthumous manuscripts” appear to have been mostly guidebooks aimed at officials lacking sufficient experience. As a matter of fact, the section where Sun Jiahong discusses them also deals with the question of how the officials entering the Ministry of Justice were trained in law. And more generally, one thing that particularly interested me in his book is all the information he provides along the way regarding life inside the Ministry of Justice in the late nineteenth century, the behavior and level of competence of its personnel, the existence of groups and factions, and so forth.
According to the Guangxu edition of Da Qing huidian大清會典, the 17 provincial bureaus (qinglisi清吏司) entrusted with legal cases had a total of 111 ranking officials (i.e., directors, langzhong郎中, deputy directors 員外郎, yuanwailang,and secretaries, zhushi主事), to which must be added an unknown and probably very high number of extra-quota (ewai額外) and probationary (shifeng試俸) officials, as well as petty metropolitan officials (jingxiaoguan京小官). Likewise, the number of clerks (li 吏) attached to the Ministry, about a hundred on paper, must have been much higher than that. (Clerks do not feature in Sun’s book.) In other words, it was a big bureaucracy, and one can only suppose that, like in any bureaucracy, the competence and dedication of its personnel were very uneven. One did not enter the Ministry of Justice because one had a particular competence or interest in law: a great many new officials—including XueYunsheng himself—had been randomly appointed to the Ministry of Justice as “apprentices” (xuexi學習) through the process of drawing lots (qianfenXingbu簽分刑部). Competence, and possibly a real intellectual investment in legal matters, came only later: in theory, newcomers were entrusted to experienced officials who would teach them the basics of law and judicial procedure; but it is likely that a fair number had not learned much when the time came to leave for another appointment. In contrast, among those who became serious legal specialists, some would spend fairly long periods of time (up to two decades or even more) in the Ministry, going through successive promotions, until (for some of them) they were appointed to positions such as prefect or censor.
The present book features a number of biographical sketches of such specialists who happened to be close (and admiring) collaborators of XueYunsheng and whose careers followed this pattern. Now, even though all the authors who commented on XueYunsheng’s personality (Sun Jiahong quotes a large number of them) insist on his prestige within the Ministry and on the intellectual influence he exerted on his junior colleagues through his profound knowledge of law and his experience in adjudicating cases, the group of active collaborators to his work that can be identified in the sources is no more than about 25 people—but others may have dropped out of the record (Sun Jiahong suggests a total of more than 50); in other words, these people, who presumably represented the specialized elite among the Ministry personnel, were only a small fraction of the full complement of officials, both ranking and extra-quota, at the Ministry.
But certain demanding Ministry leaders considered it an absolute necessity that all the officials serving under them be trained, tested, and evaluated. Indeed, as more than one source quoted by Sun Jiahong reminds us, the level of competence of the Ministry officials was more often than not woefully inadequate, and this was only reflecting the lack of interest for legal matters (a notoriously difficult topic) on the part of officials in general. So, it could happen that activist ministers or vice-ministers attempt to remedy this situation. Such was the case in the early Guangxu years and later with personalities like XueYunsheng and a few others, who strongly pushed for improving their junior colleagues’ knowledge of the subtleties of the Penal Code. One text by XueYunsheng quoted here shows how in 1882 he ordered every bureau official (siyuan司員) in the Ministry to submit memos (shootie 說帖) commenting on difficult points in the Code and making propositions for improvement (in this case, the topic was sending or not sending women into exile), so as to evaluate their capacities. The results, he says, were extremely disappointing, and therefore he compiled their responses together with his own views, so as to provide a reference to his colleagues.
Another minister who made similar efforts to forcefully instruct the bureau officials and keep them on their toes was Zhao Shuqiao趙舒翹, also a Shaanxi man, who succeeded XueYunsheng as Minister of Justice in 1898 (and whom Xue again succeeded in Xi’an in 1900): Zhao would systematically meet the officials of one bureau after the other, ask them detailed questions on the Code—usually few were able to answer—and encourage them to study hard. Such leadership on the part of outstanding and erudite officials in the late nineteenth century and in the first years of the twentieth century certainly enhanced the quality of the personnel and spirit of intellectual collaboration at the Ministry of Justice—even though, obviously, many stayed indifferent or ignorant, not to speak of those who did not even care to come to the office. It thus created favorable conditions for the reform of penal law that was launched under the supervision of luminaries like Shen Jiaben. In this respect, the last few decades of the Qing seem to have been an exceptional period in the history of the Ministry, and more generally in the history of Chinese law. Whether there were similar spurs of activism and creativity earlier in the Qing dynasty remains to be ascertained. As a matter of fact, I tend to think that this late-Qing “golden age”, however remarkable, was not unique—except in the fact that it occurred on the eve of the first attempt to profoundly reform the Chinese way of governance.
Apparently the principal locus of these efforts at developing legal knowledge in the late nineteenth century was the Autumn Assizes, which mobilized the best talents in the Ministry year after year and appear to have developed a specific body of knowledge and procedure. We learn in this book about two “schools” of legal learning, the Shaanxi and the Henan school, which centered on the Assizes bureau and were headed by renowned legal specialists. What differentiated the two “schools” intellectually is in fact not very clear—it seems that the Shaanxi school was more rigorous in the training and selection of officials, but we know no more details. In any case, XueYunsheng was naturally regarded as the head of the Shaanxi school, even though the circle of his disciples and close collaborators extended far beyond this group. As a matter of fact, the two “schools” were very different from provincial cliques that would compete for political influence. Quite the contrary, the officials who belonged to them hailed from a variety of provinces: far from trying to support each other on the basis of a shared regional origin, their only aim, reportedly, was the improvement of legal knowledge. (Shen Jiaben, who was from Zhejiang, seems to have stayed neutral, but of course he was a close associate of XueYunsheng, if not properly speaking his “disciple”.)
But there also were regional cliques in the Ministry of Justice. The most powerful, apparently, was the Zhili clique—for unclear reasons, officials hailing from Zhili were the most numerous at the Ministry of Justice. The attack that led to XueYunsheng’s demotion and appointment to a sinecure in the Court of the Imperial Clan in 1897—a transfer which he resented as a professional disgrace—came from one of them, an official with much influence named Li Nianzi李念茲. Li bore a grudge against XueYunsheng because he had been denied an assignment (chaishi差使) he wanted. At his instigation Xue was accused of several grave misdeeds by two censors, including favoritism in managing ministry affairs, collecting birthday gifts, and accepting bribes to influence the outcome of cases; but he was eventually cleared from these charges by the Ministry of Personnel. On the other hand, the pretext for his demotion was that his nephew had been involved in a corruption case and that Xue had tried to protect him.
In reality, it seems that by that time Xue’s position at the Ministry had already been weakened. Discontent had accumulated against him among his colleagues, at least part of them, perhaps due to his authoritarianism, to a tendency to protect his fellow Shaanxi officials, and to what must have been perceived by some as intellectual arrogance. Besides, in 1896 he had annoyed Empress Cixi by insisting on a severe punishment against a palace eunuch who had killed a Beijing police officer, even though the dowager and Emperor Guangxu had lobbied for a lesser penalty.
Whatever the case may have been, the very fact that such a prestigious minister, unanimously hailed for his professional competence, intellectual brilliance, and mastery of law, was not immune to jealousy and proved unable to protect himself against petty politics confers some humanity on him—or so it seems to me. Another aspect of the personage that adds depth to his genius as a legal scholar is what appears to have been his profound anxiety regarding the mounting problems—the so-called “contradictions”—which afflicted Chinese society in the nineteenth century. This is actually something that Sun Jiahong has been able to locate in some of Xue’s commentaries in Dulicunyi, where Xue remarks on the “secular changes” (shibian世變) that explain the multiplication of substatutes dealing with criminal offenses at the expense of the overall coherence of the Code. Xue deplored this multiplication of substatutes (usually aimed at one particular province) and the resulting lack of coherence. It certainly made penal law more and more disconnected from society. Was Xue conscious of the fact that by his time the hallowed Chinese legal institutions to which he had devoted his entire life had reached, as Sun Jiahong says, their “twilight”? It is difficult to say.
For all the glowing commentaries heaped on him by his associates, XueYunsheng certainly had his weaknesses. It is quite possible that the dominant position he had acquired at the Ministry once he became a full minister, even taking the lead over his colleague the Manchu Minister of Justice, eventually isolated him and made him insensitive to dissatisfaction and frustration among junior colleagues who did not belong to the small elite he favored. On the other hand, the close circle of collaborators and admirers that made up this small elite remained totally loyal to him. More than that, the materials quoted by Sun Jiahong allow us some glimpses of the affectionate relations they maintained with Xue, and also of the camaraderie which united the group, of their interactions, and even of their social life outside the Ministry. Getting a more concrete image of this professional milieu, which would deserve a study in itself, is only one of the many avenues that Sun Jiahong’s immensely erudite study opens for future research.
Pierre-Étienne Will 魏丕信
Collège de France 法蘭西學院, Paris
(Pierre-Étienne Will(魏丕信),法兰西学院荣休院士、教授。)
黄源盛 识
在中国法制史研究中,清代法因存世文献丰富、与现代转型有直接传承关系等原因,一直备受学者们重视。晚清律学名家中,薛允升学养深厚,著述影响广泛。除线装刻本外,《唐明律合编》先后有万有文库、人人文库商务排印本、中国书店影印本(有合编本和单行本两种)和法律社点校本,《读例存疑》有台北成文社编校本和大陆公安大学社点注本,还有日本寺田浩明个人网页(现为铃木秀光个人网页)提供的在线电子版。另据参与其事者见告,钟威廉(William Jones)英译《大清律》(The Great Qing Code)也使用了《读例存疑》所载清律。其为后世所重可见一斑。
庚子初秋 于复旦江湾
诸多因缘际会,促成了本书的诞生。2015年10月,笔者应邀赴法国里昂高等学术研究院(Collegium de Lyon)进行为期一年的访问研究,其间在好友巩涛(Jérôme Bourgon)教授鼓励乃至“蛊惑”下,着手重新整理晚清律学大家薛允升(1840-1901)的不朽名著《读例存疑》。迄今五年多时间里,在一遍又一遍的阅读过程中,不仅个人对于清代律例继承演变的认识不断加深,薛允升作为一代律学宗师的人物形象也日渐凸显起来。
2019年3月在美国图尔萨大学步德茂(Thomas M. Buoye)教授牵头组织下,笔者耑赴美国丹佛参加美国亚洲研究会(AAS)年会,并接受其建议根据此前对《读例存疑》一书的整理研究,特别撰写了关于清代律例条文继承演变的一篇6万余字长文,提交大会讨论,并最终成为本书第四章。在美国当地3月21日晚间举行的小组会议上,著名汉学家、法兰西荣休院士魏丕信(Pierre-Etienne Will)教授担任主席(Chair),步德茂教授、加利福尼亚州立大学朴兰诗(Nancy Park)教授和我先后作了主题发言,法国远东学院陆康(Luca Gabbiani)教授负责主持和评议。从现场反馈情况来看,该文提出的一些观点和数据分析引起同仁们的兴趣。自机场匆忙赶到会场、尚未晚饭的姜永琳教授则向笔者提出一个新的议题:清代律例条文之于明代的继承演变关系如何?由此催生了另外一部资料合集——《明清律合编》(又名《万历顺治二律集解合刊》)的编纂,即以文本对勘形式详细分析清初对于明末成文法律的因袭与变革。一如前面那篇长文,其中有很多令人意想不到的发现。
在本书形成前后,曾得到无数师友帮助,需要感谢的人很多。首先特别感谢挚友梅凌寒(Frédéric Constant)和学弟王旭两位教授,正是他们先后在《宝坻档案》和东京仁井田文库中的偶然发现和无私分享,使我有机会接触到薛允升《读例存疑》遗稿,并由此展开一系列研究讨论。更要感谢2015年冬天巩涛教授在里昂高师对笔者的一番“蛊惑”,和2018年夏季步德茂教授在北京南锣鼓巷的盛情邀约,以及2019年3月共同参与丹佛AAS年会讨论的其他几位师友:魏丕信教授、陆康教授和朴兰诗教授、姜永琳教授,还有现场聆听的其他学界同仁。