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Chinese Visiting Scholar Grant

The University of Oslo, China Programme at the Norwegian Centre for Human Rights (NCHR) is happy to announce the second year of its Competence Exchange Project.
    Project Objective
    The competence Exchange Project aims to stimulate research among Chinese scholars and Norwegian students on selected topics related to labour relations and workers rights. This topic is of increasing interest to Chinese scholars and policy makers, given China's ratification of the United Nations International Convention on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (ICESCR) and enhanced collaboration with the International Labour Organisation (ILO). Meanwhile, Norway has a history of promoting economic, social and cultural rights through research, state policy, and United Nations participation. We therefore believe that this is a fruitful area for scholarly exchange between China and Norway.
    Theme for 2004:"Addressing Discrimination in Employment":
    This theme includes a great diversity of possible research questions. Applicants are free to choose. Possible questions upon which to focus include definitions of discrimination; the extent or experience of discrimination; or institutional responses to discrimination. The different kinds of discrimination relevant to employment include discrimination on the basis of: sex, social origin, religion, health status, language, ethnicity and age. It is possible to focus on individual, national, regional or global aspects of your research issue. These elements of the theme are not exhaustive. The purpose of choosing this theme is to strengthen the familiarity of Chinese researchers, teachers, and social service providers with the comparative means of identifying and addressing employment discrimination.
    The Research Grant
    NCHR will grant 2 visiting scholar awards for 4 months each to those Chinese scholars who submit the best proposals for research. Visiting scholars will be based at the University of Oslo at NCHR's China Programme. Each 4-month visiting scholar award will include:
    - shared office space with computer and access to library facilities,
    - a monthly grant sufficient to cover all living expenses in Oslo for 4 months,
    - a grant to cover economy class travel costs to and from Norway,
    - a small allowance for purchase of research materials relevant to the research undertaken.
    Who Can Apply?
    Applications are invited from Chinese nationals employed in China. Preference will be given to applicants possessing a Master's Degree or equivalent qualifications. Preference will also be given to applicants who, in addition, already possess relevant research, teaching, policy-making or social service experience. It is of utmost importance that applicants function comfortably in spoken as well as written English.
    The NCHR is a multi-disciplinary institute and researchers from all academic fields are encouraged to apply. Preference will be given, however, to research proposals that reflect at least an awareness of how non-discrimination provisions of UN conventions are relevant to the planned research (see our website for a selection of such provisions or contact us). Proposals must reflect an interest in comparative research.
    Requirements Placed on Visiting Scholars
    Article from completed research: The two visiting scholars will be asked to bring with them a finished article, in English, based on some research they have already completed in China. The topic of this article need not be related to the topic of the research proposal. It should be on a topic already familiar to the visiting scholar, so that it does not require extensive preparation. This article will be published in an NCHR publication. Each visiting scholar will also be asked to give a lecture based on their article. This publication and lecture requirement will help the Norwegian research community to learn more about China. It thus contributes to the competence exchange goal of the NCHR project.
    Research and mentoring: the two visiting scholars are expected to spend most of their time in Oslo conducting research according to the proposal submitted in their application. They will also be asked to spend a limited amount of time mentoring the two Norwegian MA students attached to this project. The scholarship must be used during 2004. The exact time can be negotiated, however.
    Research report: Within three months of returning to China, visiting scholars are expected to publish or, in some form, share the results of their research stay in Norway. In order to evaluate the dissemination of research results, visiting scholars are required to submit a research report three months after they return to China. This report must detail how they have disseminated their research results, eg. via lectures, newspaper articles, other publications, teaching, etc..
    How to Apply?
    The visiting scholar awards will be decided on a competitive basis. All applicants must submit all of the following in English:
    1. Demonstration of Language Competence: All applicants must submit evidence of written and spoken English language proficiency. If short-listed, applicants will be interviewed in English by telephone. Oral language skills are as important as reading skills. In Norway all research interviews and discussions with colleagues will have to be done in English. English will also be the common language between the Chinese visiting researcher and the Norwegian students he or she is expected to mentor.
    2. Research essay (8-10 pages):
    The research essay must include the following:
    "a statement of the specific research question to be studied under the broad topic of "Addressing Discrimination in Employment"
    "a well-reasoned defense of why the proposed research is relevant to the researcher's own work, to the Chinese situation, and to the literature in the field.
    "description of the methodology to be used in the research
    "a realistic time-table for the research
    "a bibliography and footnotes to all sources relied upon in writing the research essay
    "a statement of expected output
    The research essay must demonstrate that the applicant:
    "has conducted relevant background reading,
    "has a grasp of the theoretical debates in her/his discipline as they impact on the research question
    "is capable of analyzing materials
    "can plan his/her research time
    Preference will be given to well conceived, carefully documented, and realistic research plans from applicants who are situated to apply their research results in the classroom, in social practice, or in policy reform efforts.
    3. Two letters of recommendation: The individuals who write these letters should be able to comment on the utility of this research to your work or to your institution's development
    4. An academic article or paper written by you: This submission may be in Chinese. We suggest that it is the paper that you will translate into English for NCHR publication if your application is successful.
    5. Your CV/resume: this document should contain information about your educational background; previous work experience; current position and institutional affiliation; publications; and importantly, your e-mail address, telephone numbers (office, home, and mobile), and fax number.
    Posting Completed Applications:
    Electronic post: Please send as many parts of the application as possible by electronic post to Cecilie Figenschou Bakke: c.f.bakke@nchr.uio.no (Indicate what additional documents are coming by regular mail)
    Regular mail:
    University of Oslo, NCHR
    P.O. Box 6832 St. Olavs plass
    N-0130 Oslo, NORWAY
    Att: CEP China Programme
    Applications Deadline and Process
    All applications must be sent/postmarked no later than 10 November 2003. An expert panel will evaluate the applications. A short list of candidates will be interviewed in English. All applicants will receive written acknowledgement of application receipt and notice regarding the successful applicants.
    Other information
    You may also be interested in the Project Research Grants under the NCHR China Programme's Labour Relations and Worker's Rights project. For more information on both the Visiting Scholar Grants and the Research Grants you may refer to our website: http://www.humanrights.uio.no/forskning/programmer/kina/
    Questions can also be addressed to Cecilie Figenschou Bakke: c.f.bakke@nchr.uio.no, telephone +47 22 84 20 74