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    关键词: 版权;宋代;《书林清话》;郑成思;安守廉

    The Issue of Copyright in Song Dynasty

    ──With a Review of the Debates between Professor Zheng Chengsi and William P.


    Abstract: The popularization of new printing technology spured the fastdevelopment of publication business in Song dynasty. To forbid pirate and holdmonopoly in copyright, some businesspersons tried to plead state's assistance.Businesspersons' efforts reflected the appearance of copyright idea based onprivate knowledge property. The state control on printing business, however,exerted supporting dynasty's power. The businessperson's claim for copyright wastotally under the control of state. Their efforts were casual or scattered. Inaddition, their pleading for copyright didn't develop into Copyright law orintellectual property institution. As to the question why traditional China didnot give birth to Copyright law, Professor Zheng Chengsi explained that thetraditional social economy had been underdevelped. Differently, Professor WilliamP. Alford considered all state's efforts on copyright or publication justmirrored the imperial China's control on the spread of thoughts. In his eyes,this is the fundenmental reason why Copyright law or intellectal law didn't comeinto being. Historically, the control from states in west and Vatican on themediaeval publication was stricter than what happened in Song dynasty; however,the first Copyright law of the world appeared in England. Unlike the printingbusiness in Song dynasty, the printing privilege of private publishing houses inthe west history connected with state's printing control. Therefore, printingprivilege became steady-going institution supported by various strength. Moreover,these strengths helped the printing privilege in west history transformed tomodern Copyright law late. It means that the history of Copyright law in westpredicates the explanation from William P. Alford is arguable. Diffirent researchangle of view leads to the divergence between professor Zheng Chengsi and WilliamP. Alford.

