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For Mutual Legal Exchange in the Coming Future

作者:Mo Jihong

Dear Mr. Embassador Julian Ventura, dear Distinguished Guests, Good Afternoon:

(Estimado Sr. Embajador Julián Ventura, queridos huéspedes distinguidos, Buenas Tardes:)

It is my honour to have a chance at Mexican Embassy in China to give a concise speech for introducing the experiences of academic exchange in the field of legal affairs between China and Mexico, in more concrete words, between two national law institutes, that is, Law Institute of CASS and the Legal Research Institute of the UNAM.

As you see, this afternoon, we devote you one book entitled as ‘A glance at Mexican Positive Law’ , coordinated by Mo Jihong and professor Arturo Oropeza Garcìa (My real friend).This book is the second result from our legal cooperation , on the occasion of the 40th years anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relation between Mexico and China. In going through our cooperative history in the field of legal study, it would never be forgettable at the marvelous moment in 2008, our partner , the Legal Research Institute of the UNAM organized an international congress on Cultures and Comparative Judicial Systems, Mexico –China, and invited a visiting group composed of several members of Law Institute of CASS to attend this significant meeting. This is a very important and effective standing point for our legal exchange. As one important result , a book was published in 2008 in Spanish , entitled as ‘Mexico-China: A Study of Comparative Law’, which came to be in Mexico, as in the majority of the countries of Latin America, the first academic effort that approached the important topics relating to the history and current reality of Law in the People’s Republic of China in an integral manner.

The book appeared in your front, ‘A glance at Mexican Positive Law’ in English , consisted of 13 essays , 3 refers to comparative law between Mexico and China, 10 relate to Mexican Positive Law .We have sufficient reasons to believe that this book is a new milestone for deepening mutual understanding and promoting mutual cooperation in the coming future.

I need to emphasize the fact that legal exchange between us derives from our long history of mutual friendship .In case of dating back to the history, the official Mexico-China relationship began in December ,1899, when both countries signed a Treaty of Friendship, Commerce and Navigation ,which was published in the Federal Official Gazette of Mexico on July 24,1900.It was a historical document through which relations between the two countries were formalized and the establishment of diplomatic and consular representation had been authorized . This Treaty, in Article 10, pointed out :’There will be perpetual ,strong and sincere friendship between the United Mexican States and the Chinese Empire, as well as their respective subjects and citizens’. This principle of friendship was interrupted by the important historical changes that occurred in both countries in the 20th century. The People's Republic of China and the United Mexican States established diplomatic relations on February 14,1972 and a strategic partnership in 2003. China-Mexico relations enjoyed steady progress in 2013. Friendship and mutually beneficial cooperation between the two sides were strengthened across the board. From 28 to 30 July, Foreign Minister Yang Jiechi paid an official visit to Mexico during which he met with Mexican President Felipe Calderon, and co-chaired with Secretary of Foreign Affairs Patricia Espinosa the fourth meeting of the China-Mexico Permanent Bi-national Commission. The two sides signed the 2011-2015 Joint Action Program, the Agreement on Mutual Recognition of Certificate of Studies, Diplomas and Degrees, and the Minutes of the Fourth Meeting of the China-Mexico Permanent Bi-national Commission, and exchanged notes on extending the period of validity of the Civil Aviation Transportation Agreement.

This year, on June 4, when visiting Mexico City, Chinese President Xi Jinping said that China will make joint efforts with Mexico to deepen comprehensive strategic partnership, promote common development, and make greater contributions to safeguarding world peace, development and prosperity. Earlier in the day, Xi and his Mexican counterpart, Enrique Pena Nieto, agreed at their meeting to elevate the two countries' relations to a comprehensive strategic partnership. "We jointly announce the promotion of China-Mexico relations to a comprehensive strategic partnership which fully embodies the spirit of mutual respect, equality and sincere cooperation" .

We have enough confidence in envisaging our future in all aspects. For establishing a comprehensive strategic partnership, we need legal understanding based on the effective and fruitful legal exchange. This is our accountability. We have a very good beginning, and we can have a more fruitful future. It depends on our efforts. For our Chinese jurists, there are many successful experiences in Mexican Legal Theory and Practice deserving our study, at the same time, understanding China Law very well can provide more chances for our Mexican friends in all aspects , but not limited in the economic and commercial domains. According to the Confuciusm, ‘A bosom friend afar brings a distant land near’. Like attracts like. Birds of a feather flock together. The friends can meet anywhere. We have such a story. Professor Hector Fix-Fierro, my friend , both of us are members of the Executive Council of International Association of Constitutional Law, we knew each other in 2007 during the World Congress of Constitutional Law in Athens, one year later, I accompanied our visiting group to visit his Mexican office .My colleague felt very surprised at our friendship . My Friend Arturo, we sang a Italian song together in Xi’an in May , 2010. Friends should stay together forever. I hope we can have a long cooperative way in the field of legal study in the coming future.

Many thanks to all of you. (Muchas gracias a todos ustedes.)