CASS Law Institute Launches Blue Book on the Rule of Law (2014)

By Bi Xiaoqing
The “Launching Ceremony of The Blue Book on the Rule of Law No. 12 (2014) and Seminar on the Development of the Rule of Law in China”, jointly organized by CASS Law Institute and Social Sciences Academic Press, was held in the First Lecture Hall of CASS on February 24, 2014.

The launching ceremony was chaired by Mr. Xie Shouguang, Editor-in-chief of Social Sciences Academic Press. Professor Chen Su, Secretary of Joint Party Committee of the CASS Institute of Law and CASS Institute of International Law, delivered an opening speech at the ceremony. Professor Li Lin, Director of CASS Law Institute, presented a report on the development of the rule of law in China in 2013 and on the forecast of the situation of the rule of law for 2014; Associate Professor Lu Yanbing, Deputy Head of the Department of Survey and Studies of National Situation of Rule of Law, presented a report on the indices of the transparency of the Chinese government; Dr. Wang Xiaomei, an assistant research fellow at the CASS Law Institute, presented a report on the indices of judicial transparency in China; Associate Professor Zhang Wenguang, Deputy Head of the Department of International Economic Law of CASS Institute of International Law, presented the first report on maritime judicial transparency in China; Professor Tian He, Head of the Department of Survey and Studies of National Situation of Rule of Law, presented the first report on indices of judicial transparency of local courts in China; Mr. Zhu Shenyuan, Vice Chairman of the Higher People’s Court of Zhejiang Province, delivered a speech entitled “Constructing a New Judicial Mechanism That Is Standardized, Transparent, Convenient for the People and Scientific”; Li Yanjie, an assistant research fellow at the CASS Law Institute, presented a report on the procuratorial transparency in China; and Mr. Huang Wenping, Deputy Director of the Office of the Leading Group of Guangdong Province on Ruling the Province by Law, gave a keynote speech on the innovations made by the People’s Congress of Guangdong Province in its legislative and supervisory work. The launching ceremony was participated by dozens of government organs, universities and research institutions and covered by dozens of mass media in China.