Top legislature reviews progress on bills, drafts

(Xinhua) August 29, 2013
BEIJING, Aug. 28 -- China's top legislature on Wednesday reviewed bills and drafts on the table.

The progress of deliberations was reported at a meeting of the chair and vice chairs of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress (NPC), presided over by Zhang Dejiang, chair of the committee.

The meeting heard suggestions on the amendment to the Trademark Law, which is likely to raise the compensation ceiling for trademark infringements to 3 million yuan (about half a million U.S. dollars), six times the current limit.

It also reviewed the proposal to suspend some laws in the pilot free trade zone in Shanghai involving foreign capital enterprises, Chinese/foreign joint ventures and protection of cultural relics.

Also under review were two amendments to the Stockholm convention on persistent organic pollutants, listing nine new pollutants and endosulfan, an insecticide.

Before being put to a vote, all of the bills and drafts will undergo further deliberation and revision based on the opinions of NPC Standing Committee members.

The bi-monthly session is scheduled to run until Friday.

(Editor:ZhangQian、Yao Chun)