The Perspectives and Approaches to the Reform of Death Penalty

Chen Zexian (ed.), The Perspectives of and Approaches to the Reform of Death Penalty, Beijing: China Democracy and Law Press, 2014.

The reform and the criminal law and the solution of related problems are often based on the consensus reached by the legal scholars and practitioners, whereas the complicity and difficulty of the reform of the death penalty system lies in its dependence on not only extensive consensus, but also decisive political decision-making. Based on the results of investigation and research carried out under the research project "The Reform of the Death Penalty", This book contains in-depth discussions on various issues relating to the system of death penalty, including the constitutional dimension and the procedural improvement of, the judicial restriction on, and the necessity for the reform of the death penalty system, the bottleneck of and obstacles to the reform of the death penalty system, death penalty cases and criminal reconciliation, the standard of proof in death penalty cases, the review of and procuratorial supervision over death sentences, and effective defense in death penalty cases.