Post-Doctoral Research Programs at CASS Institute of Law and Institute of International Law for the Year 2014 Open for application

The Postdoctoral Research Station of CASS Law Institute now begins to accept applications for post-doctoral research programs for the year of 2014 in accordance with the Regulations of CASS Law Institute on the Administration of Postdoctoral Research Station. Applicants for the programs should meet the following requirements: having obtained a doctoral degree, being under the age of 40, excellent in character and scholarship, and in good health condition.

Applicants can apply post-doctoral researches in the following fields: jurisprudence, legal history, constitutional law, administrative law, media law, criminal law, procedure law, civil law, commercial law, intellectual property law, economic law, public international law, private international law, international economic law, and international human rights law.

The post-doctoral station will accept three types of post-doctoral researchers: state-funded post-doctoral researchers, post-doctoral researchers under research programs, and post-doctoral researchers under international exchange programs.

The deadline for application is May 15, 2014.

For further information, please contact the Post-Doctoral Station.

Contact person: Miu Shulei
