Lectures on European Tort Law Held in CASS Law Institute

By Bi Xiaoqing
Lectures on European Tort Law, organized under the innovation project “Studies on Civil Rights Mechanism for Improving and Safeguarding People’s Livelihood”, were held at CASS Law Institute on September 11-12, 2013. The lectures were chaired by Professor Sun Xianzhong and Professor Xie Hongfei and given by Professor Helmut Koziol, from the Austrian Academy of Sciences and Professor Ken Oliphant, Director of the Institute of European Tort Law.

In his lecture entitled “Punitive Damages in Tort Law: Chinese Law and Comparative Law”, Professor Helmut Koziol took the punitive damages in Chinese Tort Liability Law, Law on the Protection of Consumers’ Rights and Interests and the Law on Food Safety as the entry point to analyze from the perspective of comparative law the different attitudes towards “punitive damages” adopted by countries of the common law system and those of the continental law system. Professor Sun Xianzhong thanked Professor Koziol for his excellent lecture and made comments on the provisions in the Chinese Tort Liability Law relating to punitive damages.

In his lecture held on September 12, Professor Oliphant, who is the leader of the Research Group on State Tort of the European Institute of Tort Law, introduced the latest achievements made by European tort law circle in the research on the issue of “state tort” and the efforts made by the Research Group on State Tort in coordinating the laws on state liabilities for tort in various EU countries. In his commentary, Professor Xie Hongfei answered the questions raised by Professor Oliphant in the lecture and explained the legislative background of the restrictive provisions on the amount of state compensation in Chinese Law.

Over 30 Chinese scholars and graduate students attended the two-day lectures, in which they carried out in-depth exchange of opinions with the Austrian professors.