Beijing forum on human rights concludes

(Xinhua) September 13, 2013

A deputy head of a leading Chinese human rights studies group on Friday called for a sound legal and social environment in order to raise human rights awareness and promote international cooperation on human rights issues.

Ye Xiaowen, vice president of the China Society for Human Rights Studies (CSHRS), made the remarks at the closing ceremony of the sixth Beijing Forum on Human Rights, urging creation of a lasting peaceful environment for the popularization and sustainable development of human rights.

"China is dedicated to promoting understanding and cooperation with other countries in human rights issues," Ye said, describing human rights as a major issue facing the Chinese people.

The two-day forum attracted more than 100 officials and human rights experts from the United Nations and 33 countries and regions, with topics covering rule of law, social management and regional stability in human rights issues.

"China is also willing to protect and foster human rights undertakings with due consideration to national conditions," Ye said, adding that a good legal basis can help raise human rights protection awareness and realize social fairness and justice.

The forum is coorganized by the CSHRS, the largest human rights academic group in China, and the China Foundation for Human Rights Development, a major civil group.

The annual event was first held in 2008 and has become a key platform for human rights exchanges among different countries, ethnic groups and cultures.
