The Academic Seminar on “the Legal Protection of Laborers in New Forms of Employment Successfully Held



The Academic Seminar on “the Legal Protection of Laborers in New Forms of Employment was successfully held at CASS Law Institute in Beijing on September 26, 2020. The seminar, organized by CASS Law Institute under the guidance of China Society of Social Law, was held in a combined online and offline form and attended by scholars from CASS, China Law Society, Peking University, Tsinghua University, Renmin University of China, China University of Political Science and Law, Central University of Finance and Economics, Capital University of Economics and Business, China Institute of Labor Relations, Jilin University, Wuhan University, Nankai University, Southwest University of Political Science and Law, East China University of Political Science and Law, East China Normal University, Shanghai Jiaotong University, Shanghai University of Finance and Economics, Shanghai Normal University, Shenzhen University, Suzhou University and Nanjing Audit University, judges from the Second Intermediate People’s Court of Beijing Municipality and the People’s Court of Haidian District of Beijing Municipality, as well as representatives from King & Wood Mallesons Law Firm and Meituan Law and Policy Research Institute.

At the opening ceremony of the seminar, presided over by Professor Xie Zengyi, Head of the Research Coordination and International Cooperation Department of CASS Law Institute and Vice Chairman of China Society of Social Law, opening speeches were given by Mr. Zhang Mingqi, Vice Chairman of China Law Society and Chairman of China Society of Social Law, and Professor Chen Guoping, Secretary of the Joint Party Committee of CASS Law Institute and CASS Institute of International Law. At the seminar, which was divided into three units, the participants gave speeches and carried out discussions on a wide range of issues around the three topics of “the challenges posed by new forms of employment to labor law and responses thereof”, “legal protection of laborers under the digital economy”, and “the construction of the social insurance system and judicial protection of laborers in new forms of employment”. At the closing ceremony, presided over by Professor Wang Tianyu, Deputy Head of the Social Law Department of CASS Law Institute, concluding remarks were given by Professor Wang Quanxing from Shanghai University of Finance and Economics and Professor Xie Zengyi.