Draft law on export control emphasizes national security, interests


BEIJING, Oct. 13 (Xinhua) -- A draft law on export control was submitted to China's top legislature for a third reading Tuesday.

The draft, which further emphasizes safeguarding national security and interests, will be discussed at the 22nd session of the Standing Committee of the 13th National People's Congress, which runs until Saturday.

The draft clarifies that technical data related to the items covered by the law is also subject to export-control stipulations.

China will take countermeasures against countries and regions that abuse export-control measures and pose a threat to China's national security and interests, according to the draft.

Export-control guidelines will be issued to guide exporters to establish and improve internal compliance systems and regulate operations, according to the draft.

The draft stipulates that those engaged in export-control violations will be investigated for criminal responsibility.

Export control is a common international practice in which a country prohibits or restricts the export of specific items, such as nuclear materials, in order to fulfil its international obligations, such as non-proliferation, while safeguarding its own national security and development interests.

Source: Xinhua, at: http://www.xinhuanet.com/english/2020-10/13/c_139437777.htm